Wednesday, October 26, 2011

One Year Anniversary of Vagi

End of Summer!

I have been blogging for over a year and 2,500 of you have visited, some commented and some of you have become followers.  I wanted to share some of my favourite moments from this past year.   It is shocking the twists and turns that occur in our lives over those 365 days.  So take a moment today and give yourself credit for all that you have accomplished this past year!  xo vagi

Friday, October 14, 2011


"There is nothing to fear, but fear itself"  Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1933

When Roosevelt gave his Presidential Inaugural address at the height of the depression, fear translated to the state of the economy, or rather lack of one.  We all have fears, some rational (fire) or irrational (spiders).  I want to applaud my son, Aidan who conquered his fear of characters in costume - check out the picture below.  All smiles now that once would of been tears & screams.  As a parent we ingrain fear in our children with constant warnings:  don't talk to strangers, stay away from the stove - all for their safety and well-being.  Does that make them less able to conquer fears and ride that two-wheeler or ski down a hill?  I don't have the answers, I am just proud that I conquered my fear this summer and drove over the Mackinac Bridge (sweaty and white knuckled), but I did it.