Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gimme, Gimme Always Gets (then wants more)!

I was listening to CBC Radio this morning, as I do every morning to prepare me for the day and was intrigued by one interview this early dawn.   Don't ask me which show or who hosted, no clue, but the author answering the questions peaked my interest before my second gulp of java.

Naylor, pointed out over the radio waves how North American society has become the "Have's and the Want-More's."  He really stressed our desire and demand to continually consume.  When are we fulfilled?  When it is enough?  I don't know if anyone has the answer.  Naylor admitted to being more or less a pessimist most of time, but a good bottle of organic wine had the power to force optimism upon him. (my kind of guy)

I have not read the book yet, but I will.  It made me reflect upon my own consumer needs.  That finite list of "I wants" that starts while we are tots.  Does my weakness for designer hand-bags make me less of a person?  Should I shrug the ads in magazines convincing me that I will improve in some way if I have what they are selling?  I admit I like stuff, just like everybody else.  But, I guess the question is, do we really need it and what is it doing to our existence?  Think about it, if anyone reads Naylor's book, let me know what you think.  peace and love my friends xo vagi

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