Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Why blog?

An interesting question that I posed to myself today,  Why do I blog?  What spark ignited my passion to tackle this "world wide web" offering anything from dog owners posting about their furry friends to travelers critiquing resorts and the fabulous fashionista's who blog the trends on the runways.

My need to get on a virtual soap-box.

My reactions to news, events and attitudes that swirl around me, need to be told.

My need to express my thoughts into a somewhat engaging literary format is also what motivates me.  I consider myself a writer, and need a place to work on my craft.  Some stuff I write is good, some fair, and some not so good.  This blog is my practice arena.

I crave challenge, I need to push my limits and I am thankful for this outlet to be able to do so.

One writer, who is a hell of a lot better than I will ever be is Seth Godin.  He makes me think and I recommend him to all you potential "bloggers"

Thanks for reading, peace and love as always, xo vagi

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