Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Our Golden Girls

Our sexy and independent
Our searching and discovering
We all need our "girls," our posse of women whom we grow with, rely upon, disagree with and discover ourselves.  The definition of posse is "a body of men, typically armed, summoned by a sheriff to enforce the law.". Well, I would not want to tangle with any posse that I have been involved with, and we are only armed with sharp wit and perhaps a high heel or two!
My posse includes new friends and old (in age and number of years together), and family, and are those rare confidants that remain a part of your life no matter as to geography or frequency of contact.  Some I see often, others might be only a fleeting "like" on Facebook or a twitter feed.  I believe that our posse stays with us, even with our evolving lives.  We may lose some along the way, and that is ok, but that true connection of support and caring stays with us. 
Our media understands that rare combination of unconditional friendship and togetherness - it is proven through our years of television and displayed with these separate groups of four - all of whom came to our screens in differing generations. 
Embrace your sisters - your posse.  I am lucky to have some many of you! xo vagi

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