Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Paycheque vs Principle

I think we have at sometime in our lives, done a job that we really hate.  Those teenage years of take-out, fast-food, deep-fryers or handling a reception desk when you just get your BA (and all you want to shout is "Hey, I have a University degree and the only job I can get is answering phones!).  I think those early career moments in our lives teach us so many skills:  handling difficult people, multi-tasking, being part of a team, satisfaction of finishing your shift, and the happiness of payday.

At some point, is the paycheque worth the sacrifice?

After the years of struggle, when we finally reach our potential - are we any happier?  Do we have a right to challenge, to want more, to lead, to question those in authority?  As women do we feel that we can?

The fear of losing is the biggest obstacle in communicating what we need, what we demand, 
what we deserve.

We cannot always put our principles before our paycheque - many of us have mortgages and children and bills to pay.  But at some point we can create change to make our workplace what we desire.  I think at times I miss those early jobs - the work wasn't always the greatest, but we did it together and had a good time after the shift was over.  
Good luck everyone! xo Vagi

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